Saturday, 28 February 2015

Hypex UCD400HG Amplifier Repair

Before we begin I want to make it clear this is a guide only. The repair worked for me and I cannot be held responsible for any damage caused to your board or yourself. If you are not a qualified engineer I would recommend this job is left to a professional! 

I have a pair of Hypex SMPS400 power supplies that were dead as described in my previous post. When I got them working again I found that both UCD400HG amplifier boards had a hiss and crackle sound when no input was fed into them. When sound was fed into them they would cut out and take a few minutes for them to reset and work again. The fact that both had the same fault might be an indication that this is a common fault so I hope this helps you! Again there was no info online so I checked the obvious first and managed to repair them both.

This is what the board is like when connected to the power supply.

These are the capacitors that I replaced shown in the following photos.
C40, C41, C42 & C43 they are all 22uF 63v

After replacing all 4 capacitors they powered up with no noise and worked as normal. I hope this helps you to repair your faulty amp module! 


  1. I have a couple of UcD700 to repair, they are 4 layer boards so hard to trace. Hope I can get them working.

  2. Hi ! (original it's philips) It's possible to change with other brand name ? (Panasonic, Nichicon, ELNA, Mundorf etc...??)


  3. I got to know about how to repair Hypex UCD400HG Amplifier, It is really amazing for me. PCB Prototype Service

  4. Thanks for sharing this amplifier repair tips.
